Saturday, March 4, 2017


Communication: process of imparting, conveying or exchange of thoughts, ideas, messages, knowledge or information by sign and sound - speech, signal, writing and behavior.

Image result for simple communication process

Telecommunication: transfer of data (communication) from a transmitter to a receiver across a distance. 
Data is transmitted through medium - cable, wire, atmosphere.
                                 : communication over a long distance
                                    (tele = far off)

6 elements of computer and communication technology

1. People : 2 categories - Professional (programmer, computer engineer)
                                      - End user (clerk, teacher)
2. Procedure : Specification of the series of actions, acts or operations which have to be executed
3. Data : Implies a binary, machine-readable representation of information
              - Unit for data : bit, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte

Image result for quantities of bytes
4. Hardware : 5 categories of hardware devices
                       - input device
                       - process device
                       - output device
                       - storage device
                       - communication device
5. Software : 2 types of software - Application software
                                                     - System software
6. Communication : Transmission of data
                                - Conversion of data ( analog to digital, digital to analog)

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